
Tips for building your first house in Mallorca

Tips for building your first house in Mallorca

You have to choose the plans, the builder, the building process itself, all of this can be overwhelming. As experts in the field, Lf91 want to give you some tips for building your first house in Mallorca, read on to learn more!

Tips for building your first house in Mallorca

There are small mistakes when building a house that could be corrected, but others that can be costly. You don't want to invest all your money, time and energy only to find that there is a big problem that needs to be corrected.

Follow these tips to make sure that building your first house in Mallorca is not a cause of great stress and that you can carry out the project in the best possible way.

Be careful with the purchase of the land

When purchasing land check the zoning restrictions in the area. Also consider that some areas have building height restrictions, you should review any limitations before buying.

Choose a good site, ideally it should be close to your work, to basic stores, such as supermarkets and pharmacies. Also look at proximity to public transportation to reduce travel time and save money on gas.

Planning is key

We never tire of repeating it, any type of house construction, even renovations, need very good planning and preparation. This should even be done before hiring the builder.

You can take time to research and better understand construction processes, learn how to read blueprints, ask questions, etc.

Tips for building your first house in Mallorca

You have to consider aspects such as what will happen if the family grows, how will I do when I get older.

Feel free to ask questions

Feel free to reach out to the contractor or builder with any questions about any part of the construction process. Don't be afraid to ask.

The builder probably understands all parts of the process and everything involved in building a house, but you are not an expert on the subject. And they should understand that there are bound to be a lot of questions.

Part of the contractor's job is to communicate with their clients.

Create a schedule and stick to it

Between you and the contractor you should establish a schedule, there should be clear expectations of how long the entire construction of the house and each part of the process will take.

Having a construction schedule will help construction go smoothly and be completed as soon as possible.

Set a budget

Make sure you have a well-defined budget and also leave some room in this for unforeseen events. Unexpected expenses can always arise and being prepared for them can make a big difference.

Consider that the biggest investment should be in things that matter, things that are hard to change later, such as the foundation of the house, electrical wiring, plumbing and windows. As well as roofing and insulation.

Think well about the modifications

When you start building the house, if you feel that something needs to change, before asking the contractor, consult with an architect to see if it is feasible, also ask the builder if it will not be too much trouble or very costly.

Ideally, though, you should not make any changes, as any modifications in the middle of construction will mean extra expense.

Try to avoid stress

Building a house can take time, it can be a stressful situation. Work with a trusting builder will give you peace of mind.

Choose the contractor very carefully

If possible, choose the company to build your house based on recommendations from other satisfied customers, whether they are friends, co-workers etc.

Tips for building your first house in Mallorca

If you don't have such references, search on internet.

Once you have selected two or three companies, ask them for a quote and then arrange to meet with them in person. Ask them for their portfolio.

Don't try to handle the project yourself

Unless it's your actual job, don't try to be the one to project manage the construction of your house. You might be tempted to think you'll save money; it could actually cost you more.

Professionals know much more about it. They can do the job faster and, in general, everything will be simpler.

Set priorities

You should try to stay within budget, setting priorities, but not neglecting the things you really want.

Visit the house

Even though you are not the project manager, nor the builder, it is important that you are involved with all the work being done.

This means that you can go in from time to time to see how the project is progressing.

From the tips above You know now that it is key to plan ahead, stay within budget and leave the work to the experts.

Contact us at Lf91 for help in this matter, we are professionals.

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